For any food complaints, concerns, or questions please click here.
Please complete the form below if you need more information on our resources, have questions, or to share any other complaint or concern.
9AM - 5PM | Monday - Thursday
9AM - 12PM | Friday
Main Office: (509) 886-6400
After Hours: To file a report for a High Risk Reportable Condition or Public Health Emergency when we are closed – on a Friday, Weekend, Holiday or after regular business hours – call (509) 886-6499. This will connect you to an answering service. They will take your message and forward it to the on-call supervisor.
Environmental Health: (509) 886-6449
Vital Statistics: (509) 886-6436
Communicable Disease and Epidemiology: (509) 559-7778
In an effort to keep sensitive information private, we offer safe, two-way email communication through a secure email portal.
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