Notifiable Conditions- HOW TO REPORT

Notifiable Conditions- HOW TO REPORT

To Report A Notifiable Condition In Chelan And Douglas Counties:

Monday – Thursday 8AM-5PM: Phone (509) 886-6400

Fax (509) 559-7778

After Hours: Phone (509) 886-6499

Health care providers, health care facilities, clinical laboratories, veterinarians, and others have responsibilities for reporting suspected or confirmed cases of certain conditions under public health surveillance. Included are specific acute and chronic communicable diseases, occupational asthma, birth defects, blood lead levels, and pesticide poisoning.

Most communicable notifiable conditions are reported to your local health jurisdiction and the local health jurisdictions report notifiable conditions to Washington State Department of Health.

Complete List of Notifiable Conditions Reporting forms and Disease Guidelines from Washington State Department of Health

Providers: First column contains Reporting Forms. Second column contains the Guidelines.
Labs: “Diagnosis and Laboratory Services” is in section 4 in the Guidelines.

Notifiable Conditions Posters By Reporter



For Information on Tuberculosis Reporting and Consultation Services, see our Tuberculosis page for Providers.

Drug Overdose

Life-threatening drug overdoses are now a notifiable condition in Chelan and Douglas County.  See letter from Health Officer, Frank J.V. Colins, MD, DDS.

Drug overdose reporting form. To report an overdose event using the online form, please click here.

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