Our Role
The Chelan-Douglas Health staff work to keep swimming a healthy and safe activity by permitting and inspecting all Chelan and Douglas County public recreational water facilities such as swimming pools, spas, wading pools, splash pads, and water parks. Single-family homes are not regulated by the Health District, but must follow city and/or county building code requirements.
To accomplish this, we inspect seasonal establishments once per operating season, and all other establishments twice per operating season.
Inspections focus on insuring proper pool and spa chemistry is maintained to prevent the spread of waterborne illnesses. Physical facilities are also inspected for proper safety equipment in case of an emergency, proper construction to reduce accidents, proper pool surveillance, and that doors, gates, and enclosures are able to prevent unsupervised entry by minors.
These inspections are performed to ensure compliance to the Water Recreation Facilities Rules set forth in the Washington Administrative Code 246-260 I Washington Administrative Code 246-262
Permitting Process
New Water Recreation Facility
If you are wanting to design and construct a new Water Recreation Facility such as a public swimming pool, the process will start with the Department Of Health.
You will submit your plans for your Water Recreation Facility to the Department of Health. Once approved, they will send us an approval letter and a copy of the design. At the point of approval with the Department Of Health, you will have to submit a permit application with the appropriate fees to our office.
With your application and fees received, our office will want to schedule a Pre-Opening Inspection at your facility. Plan on scheduling this date a month or two before you wish to officially open. If your Pre-Opening inspection is deemed satisfactory by our inspector, our office will issue you your operating permit. At this point you are ready to open your facility.
New Ownership
If you are taking over an already permitted establishment we will need to receive your updated contact information and establishment name. You can email this information to EHsupport@cdhd.wa.gov or call (509) 886-6400. We will utilize this information to generate a new permit for you.
There are no fees associated with this process, and your permit will be valid until May 31st.
Permit Renewal
All permits are valid until May 31st. A renewal notice is sent out in April along with a request for the associated renewal fees. Application and fees submitted after June 1 will be assessed a 15% late fee.
If you have a question about pool or spa safety or permitting in Chelan and Douglas Counties please contact us via email or call us at (509) 886-6400.
Additional Information
If you have a concern about a public pool or spa, please click here to Report a Complaint and our staff will address your concern.