Veronica Farias
(509) 886-6427
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EAST WENATCHEE – Chelan-Douglas Health District (CDHD) reports four (4) additional deaths from COVID-19. This brings the total number of deaths in Chelan County to 15, and seven (7) in Douglas County. All individuals were Chelan County residents. Three (3) of the individuals were males in their 50s, 60s, and 70s. The fourth (4th) individual was a female in her 80s. The Health District’s total COVID-19 deaths is now 22.

The Washington State Department of Health constitutes a COVID-19 death as a death occurring among those who have a positive COVID-19 test who did not die in a homicide, suicide, or accident (with the exception of accidental deaths that explicitly list COVID-19 on the death certificate). The death certificate must also include COVID-19 or COVID-like terms (such as respiratory distress, pneumonia, respiratory failure, hypoxia, viral illness, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS - with no other strain specified) as a cause or contributing factor to the death.

CDHD would like to remind everyone of the importance of all public health precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Anyone can have COVID-19 and not know they are contagious. COVID-19 is easily spread to close contacts, friends, family and loved ones before a person knows they are unintentionally spreading the virus. Please do your part to prevent the spread of COVID-19, continue to mask-up, social distance and avoid group gatherings.

Be a protector, not an infector! For more information, visit and follow CDHD on Facebook & Twitter.


Phone: (509) 886-6400
Fax: (509) 886-6478
Always Working For A Safer And Healthier Community

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