Statewide Backlog Causing Delays in Local COVID-19 Notification

Jill FitzSimmons
(509) 886-6427
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East Wenatchee, WA – Labs across the state that process COVID-19 tests are overwhelmed with an increase in tests, causing a delay at the local level in notification to people awaiting test results.

The surge in testing follows a statewide surge this month in COVID-19 cases. This week, Chelan and Douglas counties are reporting their highest case numbers yet: 863.8 positive cases per 100,000 people.

The Chelan-Douglas Health District is bringing in extra help to reach out to people who were tested this past week at its free drive-up testing site at Wenatchee High School. Testing results in the past were reported to people within 72 hours. People should expect results in up to five days, according to the health district.

If it has been longer than five days since you were tested at Wenatchee High School site, call the health district’s general COVID-19 helpline: 886-6476 (English) or 886-6477 (Spanish).

Medical Teams International (MTI) has staffed recent drive-thru testing sites at Cashmere High School and at the high school baseball field in Chelan. MTI staffers report that they are only calling those people who have positive results. If you were tested at either the Cashmere or Chelan site by MTI, and you have not received a phone call with your results within five days, it is safe to assume you are negative.

For more information, including testing sites, visit Follow CDHD on Facebook and Twitter.


Phone: (509) 886-6400
Fax: (509) 886-6478
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