Public Records Request

Public records may be inspected and/or copies made through a request for public records directed to the Public Records Officer.

UPDATE: New process for public records request.

Click Here!

Cost of Public Records

Chelan-Douglas Health District charges $0.15 per page for copying, plus the cost of postage where applicable. There is no charge for inspecting public records, but an appointment may be required. Office hours are Monday – Thursday, 8 AM – 5 PM and Friday 8 AM – 12 PM (except on official holidays or otherwise noted). To make an appointment, please call (509) 886-6400.

Non-Electronic Public Records Requests

To submit a non-electronic public records request, download and fill out the applicable form(s) below:

Request for Access to Public Records
Septic Record Request Form  

The completed form(s) can be returned by:

  • Fax: (509) 886-6449
  • Mail or In Person:
    Chelan-Douglas Health District
    Attn: Public Records Officer
    200 Valley Mall Parkway
    East Wenatchee, WA 98802

The Chelan-Douglas Health District Public Records Officer will respond to your records request within 5 business days of receiving the request, to give you an estimated date for completion on your request.  If you have questions regarding your request, call the Public Records Officer at (509) 886-6400.

Please Note: If protected health information is being requested, the public records request must originate by the person whose protected health information is being requested and the records request form must be notarized.

Septic Records Available

  • As-Built: A drawing or schematic of the septic system as it was installed.
  • Septic Permit: A document stating the approval of the designed septic system, a short summary of system capacity (number of bedrooms), property description, and additional requirements.
  • Site Evaluation: A document detailing the soil types and general topography found in the area.
  • Application: Our application that is filled out by the applicant for the proposed use.
  • Design: A detailed document that illustrates the proposed septic system to be installed.
  • Operation & Maintenance: A form stating the condition of the septic system, including the inspection and maintenance actions taken.
  • Water Information: May include a combination, or none of the following - Well/Pump test reports, Lab analysis documents, Well agreements, Water Availability letters, Restrictive Covenants, Water Right, Joint use agreement.

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