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WIC (Women, Infants, Children)

WIC is a program that supports healthy nutrition for all pregnant and breastfeeding women and children through the age of five.

WIC services include:

Do you have the WICShopper App?

Make grocery shopping easier. Learn how you can use your smartphone to scan foods that are allowable WIC foods. Know your WIC food benefits and click here to view other WICShopper features.

Am I eligible to receive WIC?

You are eligible for the WIC nutritional program if you:

  • Live in Washington State, and
  • Are pregnant, a new mother, or a child under five years of age, and
  • Have a medical or nutritional need, and
  • Meet the income eligibility guidelines below
Household Size*
Bi - Weekly
Twice - Monthly

For each additional family member, add $700 to the monthly income and $8,399 to the annual income.
*A household is defined as a group of related or non-related individuals, who usually, although not necessarily, are living together and share income.
**Gross income is income before taxes and deductions.

Are fathers eligible for WIC?

Fathers of children under the age of 5 who meet the income eligibility guidelines are encouraged to enroll their children in the WIC program. Just like any other parent or guardian, fathers can bring their children to appointments and receive and redeem benefits for their children. Active participation by fathers is a great help in keeping WIC children healthy.

How can I enroll?

Chelan-Douglas Health District is now serving Leavenworth and surrounding areas. Please contact WIC at 509-886-6408 to schedule an appointment with our Leavenworth site.

To make an appointment:

Call the WIC office at 509-886-6408 or email WIC staff at

Office Location:
Chelan-Douglas Health District
200 Valley Mall Parkway
East Wenatchee, WA 98802

WIC Referral Form

What can I buy with WIC Benefits?

WIC benefits are valued at approximately $100 for a family of two per month and are exchanged for nutritious foods that are high in protein, calcium, iron, or vitamins A & C such as:

  • Baby food
  • Milk
  • Peanut Butter
  • 100% fruit juice with vitamin C
  • Cheeses
  • Dried peas and beans
  • Cereals fortified with iron
  • Eggs
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Infant cereal
  • Iron fortified baby formula (for babies who are not breastfed)
  • Tuna, canned salmon and sardines and carrots for women fully breastfeeding
  • Whole grains
  • Yogurt
  • Frozen fruits and vegetables
  • Goats milk
  • Canned beans

Most local grocery stores accept WIC benefits.

What are WIC Farmers Market Benefits and how can I get them?

From June 1st through October 31st, eligible WIC clients can receive Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) benefits to spend at authorized markets or stores. Benefits allow the purchase of up to $30.00 (maximum of $90.00 per family if there are at least 3 people on WIC) of farmer market fruits and vegetables at authorized Farmers Markets.

Current WIC clients can pick up their farmer’s market benefits at the Wenatchee Valley Farmer's Market.  WIC staff will be onsite to distribute benefits.

Participants of WIC FMNP get:

FMNP benefits: $30.00 for each WIC participant, up to the maximum of $90.00 per family.

Quick Response (QR) code giving access to FMNP benefits to spend at authorized markets or farm stores. View the five steps for How to Use Your WIC QR Code at Authorized Farmers Market and Farm Stores.

Get information about how to prepare and store fruits and vegetables purchased at the Farmers Markets, helpful tips about how to eat more fruits and vegetables, and nutrition Information

How does WIC support breastfeeding?

Clients receive education, information, encouragement and support for successful breastfeeding.  Participants and guests can learn why breastfeeding is the best start for their baby, how to breastfeed, managing breastfeeding while going back to work or school, how to pump and store breastmilk and much more.

WIC has electric breast pumps for loan and free manual breast pumps available for clients.

Washington WIC does not discriminate

In accordance with Federal law and Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.

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